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Terms & Conditions

In these Terms and Conditions, the following Definitions apply: 


Gemma Kelly Fitness is a Sole Trader run business. 

“GKF” and “We” and “Us” means the independent business owned and operated by Gemma Kelly Fitness

“Class” means a group fitness or personal training session delivered by GKF 

“Venue” means the location at which your booked class will take place

“Member” / “You” means an individual holding either a booked session, class pass or package of class passes

“Members Area” means the section of our GKF Website made available to you to manage your bookings and access further information

“Website” means the website


Fitness Disclaimer


By attending classes, events, activities, following my programmes challenges and memberships, and using the park or venue facilities and equipment, you hereby acknowledge and agree on behalf of yourself, your heirs, personal representatives and/or assigns that:

  1. There are certain inherent risks and dangers in the strenuous nature of fitness classes; 

  2. You have voluntarily chosen to participate in intense physical exercise;  

  3. By participating in any event, class or activity organised by GKF you are confirming to us that you have a sufficient level of physical fitness to do so;

  4. We rely on you carrying out your own health self-assessment prior to taking part in any event, class or activity organised by us.

You hereby agree to assume full responsibility for any and all injuries or damage to your person or property, which are sustained or aggravated by you in relation to the use of equipment and/or park or venue facilities, and fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless GKF from any liabilities, losses, damages, costs or expenses incurred by you your heirs, personal representatives and/or assigns.


Class Booking Policy


  • Before attending any class, you must book via the Website / Members area of the GKF website so that we are aware of the class you would like to attend, and the instructor is aware of your planned attendance. 

  • There are 20 places per class, excluding 2 ‘Inclusive spaces’ for people on low to no income. 

  • Waiting lists will be available on most classes so that, when a space becomes available, those on a waiting list will receive a notification for them to book into the class (this will be on a first come first served basis). 

  • We may on occasion need to make changes to our class timetable. Where possible, we will notify you of our intention to do this with as much notice as possible. 


Class Cancellation Policy


  • If you are unable to attend a class that you have booked, you must cancel as soon as possible by emailing or via text / whatsapp to 07890645213

  • If you cancel within 24hrs of booked sessions you will be charged / will use up a credit from any class pass packages you hold. For example, if you are booked onto the 6.30am class on a Monday morning, you MUST notify us before 6.30am on Sunday morning.

  • Classes will go ahead in all weather conditions, unless the conditions pose a danger to public health in which case we will make the decision to cancel the class and inform all booked participants. In the event of this happening it is the participants responsibility to cancel their booked classes. 

  • In the event that you develop a medical condition or injury which prevents you from training temporarily, refunds will not be given, however we may allow you to transfer any remaining class passes to an authorised person of your choice. This transfer request must be made in writing to


Class Passes and Packages


  • You may purchase class passes for a single class or in packs of 5 classes.

  • Payment must be made in advance through a credit or debit card via my website

  • Once purchased the class credits cannot be transferred to another person or refunded

  • Validity periods are:

    • 1 month after the date of purchase for a single class 

    • 6 weeks after the date of purchase for a pack of 5 classes 

    • Please be aware that any class credits remaining after the validity period will automatically expire and cannot be used at a later date.


We may cancel your booking / class pass package immediately in the event of the following instances:

  • Breach any of these terms and conditions 

  • Put the health, safety or wellbeing of our members, employees or contractors at risk

  • Use rude or abusive language or behave or threaten to behave in a violent or aggressive way at any of our classes or direct such behaviour towards any of our instructors (including via social media) 


Your responsibility for your possessions 


You bring all personal possessions to the venue at your own risk. We do not accept legal responsibility for any possessions you lose or that are damaged or stolen at the venue, including any possessions stolen from our vans or any other vehicle operated by one of our instructors. 


Accidents and injuries 


  • If you have an accident or injure yourself at one of our classes, whilst following our programmes or workouts you must report this to the instructor straight away.

  • You must pay particular attention to any instruction given by one of our instructors related to your health and safety.   

  • We do not accept liability for the injury or death of any member that may happen at one of our classes, other than the liability which arises from our negligence or our failure to take reasonable care. 


Our Privacy Policy including how we use your data can be found on our website


We may change these terms and conditions. We will give you notice to inform you of any significant changes that may affect you and also publish the updated terms and conditions on the Website.





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