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Client's taking the time to review me, means the world to me.  It's also a useful place to start for new clients to see what working with me is really like.

When I started working with Gemma, I have to admit I was sceptical. I'd tried similar things in the past and not found the motivation or commitment to keep going.
Gemma met me right there and has designed a program that I will do! She's helped me look at my nutrition differently too.
Even in a short time I am seeing results, I feel stronger and slimmer, I'm sleeping better and my stress levels have reduced.
Thank you Gemma!! Highly recommend x



I lost 2 stone and regained my happy sparkle by committing to Gemma’s programmes. She gave me the information and motivation that I needed to work out and eat a healthier diet. I feel so much better and am now continuing to follow Gemma’s programme because I enjoy maintaining this new me!



Gemma’s Fit in 20 is a great programme. Easy to follow, 20 mins goes by so quickly but you can feel the benefit from it. Gemma is very responsive to any questions too!



Working with Gemma has given me the confidence to pick the weights back up and get training. Having the meal recording system and pre-planned workouts really helped me to track my weeks and make sure that I was hitting goals and achieving my targets. Gemma was happy to change things when I needed parts of the workouts tweaking and I really enjoyed her friendly and fun approach to it all. If you’re looking for guidance in your fitness & health journey then I’d really recommend working with her. Thanks Gemma!



I am on the last day of an 14 week programme and am so chuffed with the results, I have lost over 10kg and am feeling a lot more confident in myself physically and am so much happier. She gave me the tools to make the outer and inner changes. Highly recommended



Personalised training that really suits my needs. Gemma is so good at motivating me, keeping me on track and offering a varied programme of exercises. She also explains clearly the science behind the workouts that I am doing, which I find very useful. I highly recommend her.



Simply put Gemma makes the impossible feel possible.

Before I started with her I felt completely stuck with nutrition and exercise, I had tried everything I knew how to do and would make progress for a while but then would end up right back where I started.

I’ve been working with Gemma for over 6 months now, I am so much fitter and have lost close to 20lbs (which I never thought would happen). She helps set healthy expectations, makes exercise and healthy eating completely attainable. And is not only a fountain of knowledge but also a great cheerleader on those tough days when you want to give up.

I started working with her with the main goal of losing weight, but have gained so much more and a new goal! I’m now less focused on (and ruled by) the scales and more focused on longevity for my body, mind and soul.

Highly highly recommend working with her, you won’t regret it!



I loved working with Gemma. She was a brilliant support both with the workouts and the meal planning. I thought the app was brilliant and really kept me accountable. Easily lost half a stone. Highly recommend!



I recently completed the You v You 4 week fitness challenge. It was a great programme put together by Gemma and she really supported me during the 4 weeks. I really enjoyed the evening seminars she arranged and i learnt a lot during the 4 weeks. It was great to have a structure and things i wouldn’t of thought of like the water and meditation logs each day. Would highly recommend to anyone who wants to reset their fitness journey.



I've just finished my 12-week fitness programme with Gemma and it's been absolutely brilliant! I was really keen to find a programme which I could do in my own time, on a regular basis, but with the guidance and encouragement from a trainer, to make sure I stuck with it. Gemma's app and her workouts are so easy to follow, and I loved how the app would share with me when I beat my personal bests. My strength has improved considerably and I feel really great as a result💪. Thank you Gemma!



Working with Gemma has been great so far! After falling off the workout wagon (for a few years now 😬), it was daunting to get started again. I’ve followed her on Instagram since she started and thought the ElevateHER program would be the perfect way to get the jumpstart I need with the coaching, workouts and weekly checkins to keep me focused and motivated. I appreciate that it’s more about a mindset of self love and empowering ourselves with better, healthier choices versus just being given hard workouts and checkins that are only about numbers. Gemma really takes her time to look at all my stats and designs our checkins accordingly, always keeping a positive approach with zero judgement. Looking forward to the next 5 months and more!



I cannot recommend ‘Fit in 20’ enough. As a busy lawyer and mum of two I have always found it hard to fit exercise into my daily routine. 20 minutes is something I can manage and the exercises in the programme are easy to use at home. Also, it is a nice introduction to exercise if you are trying to build up your strength and fitness. It is amazing value for money and you can control when and where you do it.



Gemma delivered a very engaging and knowledgable lunch time lecture on the importance of a holistic approach to exercise, nutrition and wellness. She focused on nutrition challenges of parents and carers of children including navigating the world of confusing packaging, labels and some myths about food. As well as a well structured and informative presentation Gemma filed a variety of questions and followed up with supplementary information to support her message and practical advice. On behalf of the parent and carers employee lead network. Thank you very much.



Gemma is motivating, knowledgeable and understands first hand how difficult it can be to prioritise fitness as a mum. I definitely recommend her!



12 weeks later and 5.3kg lighter!! Feel pretty chuffed with myself and thank you so much for such a great programme. Was worth every penny and it was fun, motivating and didn't feel like a diet at all. Habits changed and motivated to carry on too. 



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